A Guide to Ebooks for Read an Ebook Week

If you follow me on Twitter (@rosso) or read my food and travel blog, Ms. Adventures in Italy, it’s possible that you’ve heard me talk about ebooks, also spelled e-books or eBooks, which are electronic books.

I love Ebooks. Yes, really.

I’ve been reading exclusively “E” for more than three years now. Part of it has to do with being a bit of a nomad, having moved across the country and the world a few times. I realized quickly that I can’t take it all with me, and when I left California I had to give away several hundred books. I’m also a speed reader, and I read about 100 new books a year (and I re-read who knows how many of my library) so my library becomes more and more unmanageable every year.

So eBooks fit the bill for me when it comes to mobility, saving space, convenience and saving money. Yes, saving money. Especially living out of the US, English books are quite expensive, yet I can buy them online in a number of genres not available in most international bookstores, and on the day they are released. Talk about instant gratification!

Next week, March 8-14 is Read an Ebook Week and in honor of that, not only will I be reading a LOT of eBooks, I will posting several posts in the next few days that will be a Guide to Ebooks. I’ll be talking about advantages and disadvantages, formats, devices and applications to get you going on ebooks now, and I’ll update this post so it becomes a table of contents.

If you have any questions, put them in the comments, or send them to me via email and I’ll make sure to answer them in the content of the guide or in a readers’ questions post at the end of the series.

Categories: A Guide To, Ebooks

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6 replies »

  1. I read countless of eBooks during these past few years. I did not count exactly how many eBooks I have read, but I would say that I did read about an eBook per week. The majority of eBooks I read were on website administration / web development / search engine optimization and other related subjects.

  2. I was a skeptic about ebooks for so long, but I finally broke down and bought a kindle a few weeks ago. I still love paper books and I’ll never give them up, but the electronic versions are so handy for people who normally take a book everywhere they go.

  3. Sara, Finally someone who can help me read the mountain (virtual, of course!) of ebooks I’ve accumulated – which are rapidly going out of date. All I need now, is someone to help me find the time to read through your website ..and many others!

  4. Ebook makes me easy to get what I want to read. I can download it every time when I need it. I like the good things offered by Ebook: mobility, saving space, convenience and saving money.

  5. I read a lot of ebooks… but mostly in PDF format. I do appreciate the instant-ness of digital documents.

    It seems I’m constantly in need of specialized information, and finding authorities in a given market and reading their wisdom I find to be far more worthwhile than spending valuable time trying to figure something out on my own.

    However, I must admit, I have not bought a Kindle or an iPad… I still prefer real books that I can hold. I use computers too much in my work to want to look at one in order to read for pleasure, or I just need to take a break from a bright screen.

  6. I have found great reads on ebooks that I don’t usually see in hard bound. Also having a 1 terabyte of hard disk full of ebooks is more practical these days than maintaining an entire room full of books.

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