
How many times have you started a sentence with…When I Have Time… and followed with a list of things you’d like to learn or do? We inherently have a desire to learn, to experience, and to improve ourselves and our knowledge.

When I Have Time is a collection of tips, tricks, explorations, reflections, and how-tos for the continuous learner. Topics range from very technical to explanations in layman’s terms, to remote work and managing and building teams, to productivity and organization tips, to branding and running a business, and more.

About the Creator


When I Have Time was created in 2009 by Sara Rosso, MBA, product marketer, and digital strategist who also writes about food and travel at Ms. Adventures in Italy. Sara has worked in technology for more than 20 years, for such companies as Hewlett-Packard, OgilvyInteractive, as an early hire at Automattic (WordPress.com & more), and currently at HubSpot. Sara is @rosso on Twitter and her full bio is here.

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