Quick Bytes

Quick Bytes: SMART Goals vs. HARD Goals

I’m a big believer in goal setting – that’s why I encourage everyone to make a Life List. On the Personal Branding Blog, Heather Huhman goes into detail about what makes a SMART goal and what makes a HARD goal. It’s probably not what you’re expecting.

Quick Bytes: Do the Work (Free Kindle Book)

“Do the Work” by Steven Pressfield is currently available for the Kindle as a free ebook (so also on your iPhone/iPad, too!) and is worth a download. It’s a quick ebook that is very step-by-step and delves into the process of getting things done but really, more of the psyche behind it and how you, great idea holder, shouldn’t let resistance at every step of the way hold you back. To understand “resistance” and other concepts to take your idea from in []

Quick Bytes: Building America’s Most Innovative Brands

This is the first in a series of quick posts about content or ideas I’m finding online and offline dealing with technology, branding, marketing or entrepreneurship called Quick Bytes! Enjoy. Great interview on Inc with Nancy Koehn from Harvard Business School about building innovative brands. Some of the points I appreciated in this article were the misconceptions about leadership which she addresses really nicely: leaders are made, not born engagement is more important than plain charisma it takes a lot of effort, []