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Sara Rosso

Tech-lover and digital strategist.
@NutellaDay founder.

Vision Board and Planning Workshop in Milan, Italy

If you follow me on Twitter (@rosso), you might have seen my Tweet today: This week has convinced me I'm doing a Vision Board & Workshop in November, in Italian here in Milan. If you're interested, let me know. — Sara Rosso (@rosso) September 22, 2011 After speaking with several friends who are struggling to see the next evolution of themselves, I decided to hold a Vision Board and Planning Workshop in Milan, Italy. It will probably be in Italian unless a []

Social Media Geek: Adding Community Features to Your Blog Liveblog from BlogHer 11

The liveblog of my panel at BlogHer ’11: Social Media Geek | Adding Community Features to Your Blog is now online. I talked about BuddyPress and bbPress as ways to extend your WordPress site into a community and I definitely recommend checking it out. The liveblog is about 90% accurate, which is amazing since we were talking so fast, so if you see particular sentences with a few words missing you should know that the point being made was brilliant and we were coherent []

Plugin Advice for WordPress Newbies

It’s a question I often get asked: What plugins do I need on my WordPress site? My answer is always the same: it depends. Sophia at Fiction Vixen put it more eloquently than I could and listed a bunch of considerations that I suggest anyone read when deciding if they should add plugins to their self-hosted WordPress site (spoiler: you might not need every plugin under the sun). One of my favorite points from her post which I totally agree with: When []

Quick Bytes: Media Training 101

I’ve been reading, learning, and watching a lot of content about presenting lately as it’s something I’m very interested in and there’s no definitive manual to learn how to do it. I’ll be sharing that info soon, but first I thought a parallel subject is learning how to speak with the media. I spent three years as an organizer for the Girl Geek Dinners in Milan, when blogging and social media was gaining ground in Italy so I had a lot of []

Quick Bytes: SMART Goals vs. HARD Goals

I’m a big believer in goal setting – that’s why I encourage everyone to make a Life List. On the Personal Branding Blog, Heather Huhman goes into detail about what makes a SMART goal and what makes a HARD goal. It’s probably not what you’re expecting.